X86 is a crew for backward-compatible direction book set architectures dependent upon those Intel cpu What's more its Intel variant. Likewise a fully 16-bit development about Intel's 8-bit-based microprocessor, for memory division Concerning illustration an answer to tending to more memory over a chance to be secured by a plain 16-bit deliver.
New direction book set, A64. Need 31 universally useful 64-bit registers. Need committed zero alternately stack pointer register contingent upon direction book. The system counter may be no more straightforwardly receptive Likewise a register. Guidelines are still 32 odds in length What's more basically the same Likewise A32. Need matched loads/stores. No predication for practically educational. The majority educational make 32-bit or 64-bit contentions.
Addresses expected will make 64-bit.
(1) Our first step is to build 3 C versions of the Hello world program for x86_64
# Portable C versions: # write() version
# syscall() wrapper version # printf() version
For example: Compiling code gcc -o hello hello.c
Running the code ./hello
Use the objdump -d
name of file command to dump (print) the object code (machine code)
In Write version we need to print the string using write. In syscall() wrapper version we need to print the string using syscall and in printf version using printf(). After building and running the code for all three version we will notice a bit difference in amount of code. Write version has basically 185 line and amount of code in main is slightly big than printf while printf has 183 lines and has least amount of code in main. Amount of code in main for syscall version is highest compared to both the versions while number of lines in syscall is 187Output should be similar to this in x86_64 architecture
183 -lines x86_64 in total
0000000000400594 <main>:
400594: a9bf7bfd stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
400598: 910003fd mov x29, sp
40059c: 90000000 adrp x0, 400000 <_init-0x418>
4005a0: 9119c000 add x0, x0, #0x670
4005a4: 97ffffb7 bl 400480 <printf@plt>////printf()
4005a8: 52800000 mov w0, #0x0 // #0
4005ac: a8c17bfd ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16
4005b0: d65f03c0 ret
4005b4: 00000000 .inst 0x00000000 ; undefined
185-lines in total
0000000000400594 <main>:
400594: a9bf7bfd stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
400598: 910003fd mov x29, sp
40059c: 90000000 adrp x0, 400000 <_init-0x418>
4005a0: 9119e000 add x0, x0, #0x678
4005a4: d28001a2 mov x2, #0xd // #13
4005a8: aa0003e1 mov x1, x0
4005ac: 52800020 mov w0, #0x1 // #1
4005b0: 97ffffb0 bl 400470 <write@plt>////Write()
4005b4: 52800000 mov w0, #0x0 // #0
4005b8: a8c17bfd ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16
4005bc: d65f03c0 ret
187-lines in total
0000000000400594 <main>:
400594: a9bf7bfd stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
400598: 910003fd mov x29, sp
40059c: 90000000 adrp x0, 400000 <_init-0x418>
4005a0: 911a0000 add x0, x0, #0x680
4005a4: 528001a3 mov w3, #0xd // #13
4005a8: aa0003e2 mov x2, x0
4005ac: 52800021 mov w1, #0x1 // #1
4005b0: d2800800 mov x0, #0x40 // #64
4005b4: 97ffffb3 bl 400480 <syscall@plt>////syscall()
4005b8: 52800000 mov w0, #0x0 // #0
4005bc: a8c17bfd ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16
4005c0: d65f03c0 ret
4005c4: 00000000 .inst 0x00000000 ; undefined
(2) Our second step would be to Review, build, and run the aarchie64 assembly language programs. Take a look at the code using
objdump -d objectfile
and compare it to the source codeFor example: Compiling code gcc -o hello hello.c
Running the code ./hello
.globl _start
mov x0, 1 /* file descriptor: 1 is stdout */
adr x1, msg /* message location (memory address) */
mov x2, len /* message length (bytes) */
mov x8, 64 /* write is syscall #64 */
svc 0 /* invoke syscall */
mov x0, 0 /* status -> 0 */
mov x8, 93 /* exit is syscall #93 */
svc 0 /* invoke syscall */
msg: .ascii "Hello, world!\n"
len= . - msg
Use the objdump -d
name of file command to dump the object code
hello.o: file format elf64-littleaarch64
Disassembly of section .text:
0000000000000000 <_start>:
0: d2800020 mov x0, #0x1 // #1
4: 10000001 adr x1, 0 <_start>
8: d28001c2 mov x2, #0xe // #14
c: d2800808 mov x8, #0x40 // #64
10: d4000001 svc #0x0
14: d2800000 mov x0, #0x0 // #0
18: d2800ba8 mov x8, #0x5d // #93
1c: d4000001 svc #0x0
The goal for this lab may be with execute a basic c circle composed Previously, both x86_64 What's more aarch64 constructing agent dialect. We were given an void x86_64 piece which loops from 0 will 9, utilizing r15 Similarly as those list (loop control) counter.
Below code is EMPTY BLOCK
.globl _start
start = 0 /* starting value for the loop index; note that this constant, not a variable */
max = 10 /* loop exits when the index hits this number loop condition is i<max */
mov $start,%r15 /* loop index */
/* ... body of the loop ... do something useful here ... */
inc %r15 /* increment index */
cmp $max,%r15 /* see if we're done */
jne loop /* loop if we're not */
mov $0,%rdi /* exit status */
mov $60,%rax /* syscall sys_exit */
x_86_64 & aarch64 Loops
In order to dissemble a binary file, we can use the CL tool
objdump -d
. When we dissemble a binary, we can examine that specific machines assembler instruction set.x86_64 9 Iteration Loop Solution
.text.global _start
start = 0
max = 10
mov $start,%r15
mov $len,%rdx
mov $msg,%rsi
mov $1,%rdi
mov $1,%rax
inc %r15
mov %r15,%r14
add $'0',%r14
mov $num,%r13
mov %r14b,(%r13)
cmp $max,%r15
jne loop
mov $0,%rdi
mov $60,%rax
.section .data
msg: .ascii "Loop: 0\n"
len = . - msg
num = msg + 6
x86_9_loop: file format elf64-x86-64
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000004000b0 <_start>:
4000b0: 49 c7 c7 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%r15
00000000004000b7 <loop>:
4000b7: 48 c7 c2 08 00 00 00 mov $0x8,%rdx
4000be: 48 c7 c6 00 01 60 00 mov $0x600100,%rsi
4000c5: 48 c7 c7 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%rdi
4000cc: 48 c7 c0 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%rax
4000d3: 0f 05 syscall
4000d5: 49 ff c7 inc %r15
4000d8: 4d 89 fe mov %r15,%r14
4000db: 49 83 c6 30 add $0x30,%r14
4000df: 49 c7 c5 06 01 60 00 mov $0x600106,%r13
4000e6: 45 88 75 00 mov %r14b,0x0(%r13)
4000ea: 49 83 ff 0a cmp $0xa,%r15
4000ee: 75 c7 jne 4000b7 <loop>
4000f0: 48 c7 c7 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%rdi
4000f7: 48 c7 c0 3c 00 00 00 mov $0x3c,%rax
4000fe: 0f 05 syscall
In spite of aarch64 gathering need an alternate punctuation over its x86_64 partner they even now have their likenesses Previously, rationale.
aarch64 9 Iteration Loop Solution
.text.globl _start
start = 0 /* starting value for the loop index; note that this is a symbol (constant), not a variable */
max = 10 /* loop exits when the index hits this number (loop condition is i<max) */
ten = 10
mov x19, start
mov x22, ten
adr x1, msg
mov x2, len
mov x0, 1
mov x8, 64
svc 0
adr x23, msg
add x19, x19, 1
udiv x20, x19, x22
msub x21, x22, x20, x19
cmp x20, 0
beq skip
add x20, x20, '0'
strb w20, [x23,6]
add x21, x21, '0'
strb w21, [x23,7]
cmp x19, max
bne loop
mov x0, 0
mov x8, 93
svc 0
msg: .ascii "Loop: 0\n"
len = . - msg
aarch_9_loop: file format elf64-littleaarch64
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000004000b0 <_start>:
4000b0: d2800013 mov x19, #0x0 // #0
4000b4: d2800156 mov x22, #0xa // #10
00000000004000b8 <loop>:
4000b8: 10080281 adr x1, 410108 <msg>
4000bc: d2800122 mov x2, #0x9 // #9
4000c0: d2800020 mov x0, #0x1 // #1
4000c4: d2800808 mov x8, #0x40 // #64
4000c8: d4000001 svc #0x0
4000cc: 100801f7 adr x23, 410108 <msg>
4000d0: 91000673 add x19, x19, #0x1
4000d4: 9ad60a74 udiv x20, x19, x22
4000d8: 9b14ced5 msub x21, x22, x20, x19
4000dc: f100029f cmp x20, #0x0
4000e0: 54000060 b.eq 4000ec <skip>
4000e4: 9100c294 add x20, x20, #0x30
4000e8: 39001af4 strb w20, [x23,#6]
00000000004000ec <skip>:
4000ec: 9100c2b5 add x21, x21, #0x30
4000f0: 39001ef5 strb w21, [x23,#7]
4000f4: f1002a7f cmp x19, #0xa
4000f8: 54fffe01 b.ne 4000b8 <loop>
4000fc: d2800000 mov x0, #0x0 // #0
400100: d2800ba8 mov x8, #0x5d // #93
400104: d4000001 svc #0x0
To expand on our past 9 cycle circle we were tasked with growing the check with 30. Resonances straightforward sufficient. Simply increment the max quatity.With circle should a double-digit number, you need will change over those circle record number by separating it Eventually perusing 10.
With print those circle list value, you will have on change over from a basic should digit character. On ASCII/ISO-8859-1/Unicode UTF-8, the digit characters would in the extent 48-57 (0x30-0x39). You will also requirement on amass the message to a chance to be printed for every accordance – you camwood would this by composing those digit under those message support When outputting it should stdout, which will be likely those best approach, alternately you could perform an arrangement of composes to those three parts of the message (‘Loop: ‘, number, ‘n’). You might need to allude of the `manpage` for ascii.
x86_64 30 Iteration Loop Solution
.text.globl _start
start = 0
max = 31
ten = 10
mov $start,%r15
mov $ten,%r14
mov $len,%rdx
mov $msg,%rsi
mov $1,%rdi
mov $1,%rax
inc %r15
mov $0,%rdx
mov %r15,%rax
div %r14
mov $num,%r12
mov %rax,%r13
cmp $0,%r13
je skip
add $'0',%r13
mov %r13b,(%r12)
inc %r12
mov %rdx,%r13
add $'0',%r13
mov %r13b,(%r12)
cmp $max,%r15
jne loop
mov $0,%rdi
mov $60,%rax
.section .data
msg: .ascii "Loop: 0\n"
len = . - msg
num = msg + 6
86_30_loop: file format elf64-x86-64
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000004000b0 <_start>:
4000b0: 49 c7 c7 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%r15
4000b7: 49 c7 c6 0a 00 00 00 mov $0xa,%r14
00000000004000be <loop>:
4000be: 48 c7 c2 09 00 00 00 mov $0x9,%rdx
4000c5: 48 c7 c6 28 01 60 00 mov $0x600128,%rsi
4000cc: 48 c7 c7 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%rdi
4000d3: 48 c7 c0 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%rax
4000da: 0f 05 syscall
4000dc: 49 ff c7 inc %r15
4000df: 48 c7 c2 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%rdx
4000e6: 4c 89 f8 mov %r15,%rax
4000e9: 49 f7 f6 div %r14
4000ec: 49 c7 c4 2e 01 60 00 mov $0x60012e,%r12
4000f3: 49 89 c5 mov %rax,%r13
4000f6: 49 83 fd 00 cmp $0x0,%r13
4000fa: 74 08 je 400104 <skip>
4000fc: 49 83 c5 30 add $0x30,%r13
400100: 45 88 2c 24 mov %r13b,(%r12)
0000000000400104 <skip>:
400104: 49 ff c4 inc %r12
400107: 49 89 d5 mov %rdx,%r13
40010a: 49 83 c5 30 add $0x30,%r13
40010e: 45 88 2c 24 mov %r13b,(%r12)
400112: 49 83 ff 1f cmp $0x1f,%r15
400116: 75 a6 jne 4000be <loop>
400118: 48 c7 c7 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%rdi
40011f: 48 c7 c0 3c 00 00 00 mov $0x3c,%rax
400126: 0f 05 syscall
Personally, i discovered working for low level computing construct will a chance to be testing yet all the In the same run through thick, as compensating. Those grammar might make extremely befuddling and dully with worth of effort with. I revel in Taking in over the full purpose of a procedure. All that that happens between A->B. Picking up introduction should low-level gathering modifying need provided for me exactly knowledge under how mind boggling What's more multifaceted attempting with those fittings could make. I’ve also picked up an entire new appreciation for compilers What's more IDE’s.
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