- Setting up md5deep in x86_64 and running multiple tests of md5deep
- Bench-marking of md5deep x86_64 without optimization and with optimization
- Bench-marking of md5deep on AArch64 with optimization as I have already bench-marked md5deep on Aarch64 without optimization in SPO600 - Stage 1 blog
- Download md5deep package(tar.gz) from https://github.com/jessek/hashdeep/releases/tag/release-4.4
- Using scp or sftp transfer that tar.gz file to x86_64 architecture
- Unpack that package using tar -xvzf name of the file command
- Enter into unpacked folder and start typing following commands
- sh bootstrap.sh
- ./configure
- make install
- Generate multiple files with some random data in it for testing purposes by typing following command keep count same for the first time but then change file name and cout to 10 and 100 respectively this will create 3 files with size of 10mb,105mb and 1.0gb. dd if=/dev/urandom of=hello2.txt bs=1048576 count=1000
- time for i in {1..100}; do ./md5deep hello.txt; done by typing this command md5deep is gonna run your file 100 times and will give total time to execution and run the whole program but we have to take average by dividing by 100 of it so that we can get time of each run-time
real 0m0.033s
user 0m0.028s
sys 0m0.007s
real 0m0.309s
user 0m0.284s
sys 0m0.037s
real 0m3.727s
user 0m3.556s
sys 0m0.458s
Before taking average
real 0m3.303s
user 0m2.875s
sys 0m0.742s
real 0m30.971s
user 0m28.934s
sys 0m3.921s
real 5m13.540s
user 4m55.446s
sys 0m46.945s
Test above are without optimization running on O0 by default. This command will help change all optimization flags
find -name Makefile | xargs sed -i 's/-O0/-O2/'
just to make sure your changes have applied just check anyone of the Makefiles and you would see O2 wherever O0 is there
-O2 flag
10 mb file 105 mb file 1 gb file
real: 0m0.041s real: 0m0.387s real: 0m4.48s
user: 0m0.011s user: 0m0.250s user: 0m3.73s
sys: 0m0.005s sys: 0m0.015s sys: 0m0.84s
-O3 flag
10 mb file 105 mb file 1 gb file
real: 0m0.035s real: 0m0.158s real: 0m2.071s
user: 0m0.010s user: 0m0.97s user: 0m1.756s
sys: 0m0.003s sys: 0m0.014s sys: 0m0.77s
By comparing the real time you can see the -O3 flag makes the program faster. Which is a pretty nice optimization. So I recommend they replace the -O2 flag with -O3.
Now I will be bench-marking and compiling optimizations in Aarch64
-O2 flag
10.5 mb file 105 mb file 1.5 gb file
real: 0m0.032s real: 0m0.355s real: 0m4.892s
user: 0m0.025s user: 0m0.333s user: 0m4.651s
sys: 0m0.001s sys: 0m0.028s sys: 0m0.500s
-O3 flag
10.5 mb file 105 mb file 1.5 gb file
real: 0m0.035s real: 0m0.333s real: 0m4.668s
user: 0m0.025s user: 0m0.325s user: 0m4.399s
sys: 0m0.001s sys: 0m0.027s sys: 0m0.326s
Finally done with optimization of md5deep on aarch64 with O2 and O3 it didn't gave expected results. So from the bench-marking and optimizations applied on Aarch64 and x86_64 we can say that x86_64 has perfectly given expected results by properly having compatibility with optimization flags like O2 and O3. I would surely recommend to use O3 flags in x86_64 architecture while executing md5deep program. But G Profiling really helped finding functions which were giving calls to other functions for example: multihash_update(unsigned char const*, unsigned int)
void hash_final_sha1(void * ctx, unsigned char *sum) { }but it seemed pretty hard to make any changes. But I guess changing optimization flags was an alternate option which worked overall so my phase 3 for the project will be based on up streaming my optimization bench-marking